
Building Vowel Concepts

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  • In such words as smack, drip, and trust, there is only one vowel and that vowel is in the _____ of the word.
  • The letters a, e, i, o, u (and sometimes y) are called vowels. There are five vowels not counting the letter y. The other letters are called _____________.
  • Each of the vowels has _____ main sounds. They are called long and short vowel sounds.
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  • When vowels say their own _______, we call them long-vowel sounds.
  • When the only vowel in a syllable is at the end (as in the word he), that vowel usually as a _________.
    long sound
  • Listen to the vowel sound in the words glide, scene, bone, snake, and cute. The first vowel in each of these words says its own ________.
  • In some words, such as hi, go, and she, the vowel comes at the ___ and says its own name.
  • Look at the words hope and hoping. The letter e at the end of the word hope is ______ before the ending -ing is added.
  • The twenty-six letters in the alphabet are divided into ________ groups known as vowels and consonants.
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  • Words such as hoping and taking were Magic E words before the endings were added. They still keep the _______-vowel sound.
  • Words that have e at the end are often called Magic E words. The letter e makes the ____ that comes before it says its own name.
  • The position of the single vowel in a word gives the reader a good idea as to its _______.
  • When there is only one vowel and that vowel is in the middle of the syllable, the vowel usually has a _____ sound.
  • The letter o in the word hoping says its own name. The first vowels in the words taking, poking, and hiding also say their own names even though _______ has been dropped.