
Giving advice+ education vocab+ idioms REVIEW

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  • Da Vinci drew lots of ________of body parts.
  • Carol tried to pass the test by ________the night before.
  • In three days it's my ________. I can't believe we made it through these 4 years!
    graduation ceremony
  • My university _______ is huge! We even have chilling zones to relax between classes.
  • So far McAllister seemed to have _______all the tests _________.
    passed all the tests with flying colors
  • After failing the first time, Bridget _____the exam a month later.
  • Make sure you reserve this herb for daytime use unless you need to __________!
    pull an all-nighter
  • There are excellent large rehearsal rooms, a ________, plenty of good studios and satisfactory common room, canteens and dressing rooms.
    lecture theatre
  • GIVING ADVICE: You________ to check it out before handing in the paper
    might want
  • Brandon is a ______who mimics his older brother's behavior
  • For both cases, Ron and the supportive staff _________ demonstrating exceptional expertise and customer service.
    went the extra mile
  • GIVING ADVICE:You really _________ drive more carefully.
    ought to
  • GIVING ADVICE: Secondly, ____ your glasses are break-resistant.
    make sure
  • He became a ______as soon as he could read.
  • Derek won a football _________. I'm sure he'll be the capitan of the team