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  • Can you say the entire alphabet in 20 seconds?
  • Find 10 red things in 30 seconds
  • How many words are there in the sentence Iamanartist?
  • Say the tongue twister: I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen
  • Can you write "journalist" with your eyes closed?
  • Can you name 10 different colors in English?
  • Sing a song with your mouth closed, and see if others can guess
  • Can you say 10 words starting with vowels?
  • Can you name 5 animals?
  • Can you draw a castle in 20 seconds?
  • Can you draw a beach in 15 seconds?
  • What are the four seasons of the year?
    Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
  • Can you count to 100 by tens?
  • Can you spell the word on the picture?
  • Can you make a funny face to make people laugh?
  • Can you write "mountain" with your left hand?
  • Act a scene from your favorite movie
  • Can you raise an eyebrow?