
Week 9 NV-Y Vocab

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  • It was obvious the rude boy was being _____ when he was apologizing for stealing the girl's lunch.
    sarcastic (adj)
  • It is ____ for young kids to have lots of energy throughout the day.
    normal (adj)
  • The thief who stole a diamond ring began to ____ run away as soon as the cops began to walk towards him.
    rapidly (adv)
  • Every year, the Olympics happen where every country's best athletes participate is a sports ______.
    competition (n)
  • The ___ fish was a surprising discovery for the marine biologists because they had never seen anything like it.
    weird (adj)
  • It is very important to think about the other person's ____ when having a discussion or it might lead to an argument.
    perspective (n)
  • An important part of any competitive sport is to have a good _____ .
    coach (n)
  • The kid was sent to ___ after school because he would not stop yelling in class.
    detention (n)
  • Amber was very sad and disappointed when her parents told her they were getting a ____.
    divorce (n)
  • The lonely kid began to make ______ friends in order to have someone to talk to.
    imaginary (adj)
  • The poor kid always gave his school lunch away to bullies because he was a ____.
    pushover (n)
  • The 13 year old boy was being ____ when he started crying in the toy store for not getting what he wanted.
    immature (adj)
  • If you are able to ____ the definition of every vocab word, you will surely get a 100% on the test.
    visualize (v)
  • The general decided to ___ the army before the lost the war.
    retreat (v)
  • The student began to ____ when he realized he completely forgot about the monthly test.
    hyperventilate (v)
  • The groom was having trouble deciding what kind of color he should get for his ___.
    lapel (n)