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  • ORGANIZED: It + Wake + 's + o'clock + already. + up! + six
    It's six o'clock already. Wake up!
  • But also we can used on what cases?
    to talk about Time; Weather; Distance and emphasis
  • this is a book. It's a dictionary. Is this a correct phrase?
    Yes, it is
  • we use IT to talk about?
    things; objects; animals; places
  • what is or what is the meaning of " IT "
    IT is a subjet or a pronoun
  • I like my cell phone. It's as good as new. In this phrase emphasizing about what?
    The condition about the phone.
  • ORGANIZE: to hurry. + when + I have + drives me + It + crazy
    It drives me crazy when I have to hurry.
  • ORGANIZED: It's a + half-mile here. + walk from + late! + We're
    It's a half-mile walk from here. We're late!
  • A flying squirrel doesn't really fly; it glides. This sentences emphasizing about flying squirrel?
    Not, it isn't. Phrase emphasizing about way as glide
  • ORGANIZE: Another bad + raining + It's + again + hair day!
    It's raining again. Another bad hair day!