
Communication Role Play

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  • You're out on a date with your significant other and they keep checking their phone. Role play a response.
  • You found out your coworker makes more money than you even though you have more education and experience. You want to ask your employer for a raise. Role play a request.
  • Your neighbor doesn't pick up his/her dog's waste from the courtyard. Talk to him/her about it.
  • Your best friend hasn't responded to your last text for several days and you're worried. Call her to find out..
  • Your classmate isn't doing their fair share of your group project. Talk to him/her about it.
  • Your significant other forgot your birthday. Role play a response.
    Answers will vary.
  • The neighbor's car alarm goes off at least four times a day and wakes up your baby. Talk to him/her about it.
  • Your roommate hasn't bought toilet paper in three months. Talk to him/her about the situation.
    Could you/do you mind/I've noticed that...
  • You're really struggling in one of your classes and you know that one of your classmates has been getting 100s. You would like to ask them to tutor you or study with you. Role play a request.
  • A customer at work asked you out and you are not interested. Respond to him/her.
  • You're in line at the grocery store and the person behind you is standing too close. Talk to him/her about it.