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  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? How was the ending?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? When does it take place?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? How was the ending?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? Is it a true story?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? When does it take place?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? What’s the movie about?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? Where does it take place?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? How was the movie?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? Where does it take place?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? How was the movie?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? Is it a true story?
  • What’s the title of the last movie you saw? What’s the movie about?