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  • What is an engine?
    the machines that make cars and steamships run
  • What did the Titanic hit?
    an iceberg!
  • Did they ever find the Titanic?
  • What is the past of 'SINK'?
  • What ocean did the Titanic sink in?
    northern Atlantic Ocean where the water is very cold.
  • What date did the Titanic sink? 1900, 1912, or 1850
  • What is a steamship?
    a large ship used in the past for transportation across big distances. 
  • What is an iceberg?
    a large block of ice that forms in very cold bodies of water
  • What is a voyage?
    To travel far across land, water, outer space, ect
  • What is coal?
    a natural material used to make power
  • What was the water temperature like?
  • Is the story of the Titanic real or ficticious?
    It's a real story.