
Outcomes_about town

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  • A building that is ________is not in good condition because it is old and hasn’t been looked after well. You can also say that an area of a town or city is ________.
  • A building or event that is ________ was important in the past
  • something that is _______ is extremely ugly or horrible
  • If someone is ________, they have a lot of money and are able to live comfortably. If an area is ________, it has expensive housing and shops that sell good quality items, and the people who live there are quite rich
  • Something that is ________is very beautiful. You can also describe a very attractive person as ________.
  • If something is _____, it is big and impressive
  • A place that is ________is one where very poor people live. You can also say that a person is ________.
  • A ___________ area is one where most of the buildings are houses and flats where people live, rather than shops or offices
  • If something ________ a place or situation, it is bigger or more important than other things, and stops people noticing or thinking about anything else
  • to _____ something means to be the building where that thing is or where it operates from e.g. The old police station now _____ an art gallery
  • If prices ____, they increase very quickly and by a large amount. If the rate or level of something ____, it increases greatly and quickly. A less formal expression is shoot up
  • a _____ area, school, or other place is one where there is a lot of crime and violence
  • if you _____ _____ of something, you deliberately do not go there or have anything to do with it.
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