
Tutoring Workshop

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  • What is the name of the founder of 7, 38, 55% rule?
    Albert Mehrabian
  • How many steps we should follow when we use scaffolding? Name them
    3 - Model the behavior, guided practice, independent practice
  • Name 4 strategies of effective teacher talk.
    Repetition, Reduced forms, Simplified vocabulary, Signpost expressions, Elaboration, Clarification questions
  • What is spaced repetition?
    Rather than learning all the material at once, learners spend a limited amount of time with the material then come back to it at a later time.
  • How long do you think students watched teachers in a classroom before they were able to predict if the teachers were good or bad?
    6 seconds
  • What's the name of this game?
  • What are the 3 techniques to help you reach students better?
    Body language, teacher talk and Scaffolding
  • What does this statement mean? "What you teach is chocolate"
    It not what you teach, it is the way you present it.
  • What is 80/20 Rule?
    practice should be the majority of what is learned in class, 80% Whereas 20% of the time, you can provide instructions and details
  • What is the name of the Zone that Lev Vygotsky coined?
    Zone of proximal development