
G2 Science Chapter 1 Lesson 1

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  • Name ONE fruit/vegetable that grows UNDER the soil and ONE that grows OVER.
    Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for things like...
  • What does the STEM do for a plant?
    It HOLDS UP the plant. It MOVES water and food THROUGH the plant. Leaves GROW OFF it.
  • What is SOIL? Tell us something about it.
    It's DIRT. Plants grow in it. It has water and minerals in it.
  • What do ALL living things NEED to LIVE? (Name 3)
    Food, water, air, sun, space.
  • About HOW LONG does it take for a sunflower to grow into an adult?
    About 80 days. (OR: three months, OR: most of the summer)
  • What do LEAVES do for a plant?
    They TAKE IN sunlight and air. They MAKE food. They PUSH OUT extra water.
  • What 3 plant PARTS do they use to make FOOD?
    They use ROOTS, a STEM, and LEAVES to make food.
  • What do ROOTS do for a plant?
    They KEEP the plant IN the soil. They TAKE IN (absorb) water and minerals. They STORE food.
  • What are MINERALS?
    They're BITS of rock and soil that HELP plants GROW.
  • WHERE do plants make MOST OF their food?
    They make most of it in their LEAVES.
  • What does it mean to be ALIVE / LIVING?
    It means that you CHANGE, GROW, and need food and water.