
Short answers

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • Has he got a cat? (+)
    Yes, he has
  • Is he Polish? (-)
    No, he isn't
  • Can you cook? (+)
    Yes, I can
  • Have you got a brother? (+)
    Yes, I have
  • Can they draw? (-)
    No, they can't
  • Is it Thursay? (+)
    Yes, it is
  • Are these clean socks? (+)
    Yes, they are
  • Are they Italian? (+)
    Yes, they are
  • Have you got a dictionary? (-)
    No, I haven't
  • Is it your laptop? (-)
    No, it isn't
  • Can you do experiments? (-)
    No, we can't
  • Have they got trainers? (+)
    Yes, they have
  • Is he old? (-)
    No, he isn't
  • Can your friends swim? (+)
    Yes, they can
  • Are you from Germany? (-)
    No, I am not
  • Are you best friends? (+)
    Yes, we are
  • Is this her schoolbag? (+)
    Yes, it is
  • Have you got a guitar? (+)
    Yes, I have
  • Are they sisters? (-)
    No, they aren't
  • Has she got a dog? (-)
    No, she hasn't