
Country trivia quiz

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  • What is the capital city of Australia?
  • What is the name of a palace where royal family lives there?
    Buckingham Palace
  • What is this famous landscape? and where can you see?
    Big Ben, London UK
  • What is the symbol of New Zealand? A. A Kangaroo B. A Kiwi C. A. Springbok
    B. Kiwi
  • South America’s largest countries are Brazil and Argentina. Which is bigger?
  • What is in the Canada's flag?
    maple leaf
  • WHO's primary role is to direct international health within the United Nations' system and to lead partners in global health responses. What does WHO stand for?
    World Health Organization
  • Which is the largest capital city in the world (by population)? A. Jakarta B. New York City C. Tokyo
    C. Tokyo
  • What is the name of a famous site in Peru? A. Machu Pichu B. Moai C. Pashupatinath
    A. Machu Pichu
  • What is the tallest building in the world? A. Burj Khalifa B. Empire state of building C. Makkah Royal Clock Tower
    A. Burj Khalifa
  • What is the currency of Philippine?
    Philippine Peso
  • What is the National sport of South Korea?
  • What are some famous foods from UK?
    fish n' chips, English breakfast, afternoon tea
  • What is national animal of Argentina? A. Rhino B. Puma C. Desert Fox
    B. Puma (and Hornero bird)
  • what does this bridge called?where is it located?
    The Golden Gate, California, San Francisco
  • What is the national fruit of India? A. Coconut B. Mango C. Durian
    B. Mango
  • Forests with the most special natural wonders, the giant redwood tree., among the oldest living things on earth (some are said to have lived at least 4,000 years). where is it located?
  • Where does the president of USA live and work?
    The White House
  • What city is Called the Big Apple?
    New York City
  • What is the highest mountain in the world?
    Mount Everest