
Does Your Teacher...?

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  • What was your teacher's favorite subject in school?
    A+ English
  • Does your teacher sleep on the right side of the left side of the bed?
    Don't say the wrong side of the bed!
  • Does your teacher eat breakfast?
    I LOVE breakfast! Especially for breakfast, lunch or dinner!
  • Does your teacher drive too fast or too slow?
    Be careful! Too fast
  • Does your teacher like chocolate cake?
    I prefer others!
  • Does your teacher like pizza?
    Who doesn't?
  • Does your teacher have an Android or an iPhone?
  • Is your teacher an early bird or a night owl?
    Neither - I'm not awake until at least 8:00. Oh, that explains a lot!
  • What does your teacher like more: chocolate or candy?
    Chocolate for the win!
  • Does your teacher always come to school on time?
    We won't tell!
  • What was the first movie your teacher saw in the movie theater?
    101 Dalmations
  • What alarm tone do you think your teacher uses?
    Something Loud! 
  • Can your teacher use chopsticks?
    Easy peasy!
  • What subject did your teacher hate in school?
    Math? English? Math for sure.
  • What did your teacher eat for dinner last night?
    Hamburgers and fries
  • Did your teacher grow up with records, cassette tapes, CDs or MP3s?
    Yikes! Records of course
  • What will your teacher answer: winter or summer?
    Wow! Winter all the way
  • What is your teacher's favorite day of the week?
  • Can you teacher floss?
    Yes! We need proof!
  • What is your teacher scared of?
    Bees? Tornados? Tornados for sure!
  • Does your teacher watch Netflix on the weekend?
    Of course!
  • What was your teacher's favorite toy as a child?
    Do they make those anymore? Trucks and Dolls
  • Does your teacher like cats or dogs better?
    Dogs, dogs, dogs
  • Does your teacher drink coffee every morning?
    Only if it has a lot of flavor and sugar.
  • Can your teacher ride a bike?
    Yes, but the 3 wheeled bikes are the best
  • Does your teacher drink enough water everyday?
    Yes !!
  • Does your teacher floss everyday?
    Their dentist knows!
  • If a movie was made about your teacher, what actor/actress would play them?
    The Academy Award goes too...  No idea
  • Does your teacher watch reality tv?
    No way
  • Is your teacher's computer screen clean?
    Don't touch the glass!
  • Does your teacher sing in the shower?
    Do-Re-Mi! Nope - I don't want to hurt anyone's ears.
  • What is your teacher's favorite holiday?
    Everyone loves presents! Christmas!
  • What is your teacher's favorite color?
    Blue - Did you know?
  • Can your teacher cook?
    When I have time
  • Can your teacher swim?
    Yes, yes, yes!
  • What will your teacher eat for lunch today?
    Hands off! Cheese and Crackers