
/S/ Articulation Would You Rather

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  • Would you rather fly in Santa’s sleigh or on Rudolph’s back?
  • Would you rather live in an amusement park or a zoo?
  • Would you rather ride on a rollercoaster or ride on a water slide?
  • Would you rather teleport straight into a video game or straight into your favorite TV show?
  • Would you rather be best friends with your favorite singer or best friends with your favorite TikToker?
  • Would you rather only be able to celebrate Christmas or only be able to celebrate your birthday?
  • Would you rather look like a skunk or smell like a skunk?
  • Would you rather surf in the ocean with a bunch of sharks or surf with a bunch or jellyfish?
  • Would you rather be Spiderman or Superman?
  • Would you rather go snow skiing or water skiing?
  • Would you rather drink water that has soap in it or drink water that had soil within it?
  • Would you rather be super strong or super-fast?
  • Would you rather be a wizard or a superhero
  • Would you rather meet Santa or the Easter Bunny?
  • Would you rather have no eyebrows or no eyelashes?
  • Would you rather have a nose the size of Pinocchio’s or ears as large as Dumbo’s?
  • Would you rather kiss a frog or lick a slug?
  • Would you rather have to smell your friend’s feet or have your friend smell your feet?
  • Would you rather have 10 fingers on each of your hands or 10 toes on each foot?
  • Would you rather not ever have to go to school or never have to do chores for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather stand in ranch dressing up to your knees or swim in BBQ sauce?