
Grade 5S Unit 2

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  • When a ( p____ ) hunts down a ( p____ ) . The ( p____ ) tries to _________ itself
    Predator; Prey; Prey; Defend
  • The cheetah ________ in the grass before it __________ its ____________. It does this so as to not _______________ the animal.
    hides; attacks; prey; frighten.
  • A leaf insect copies some of the ____________ of a leaf
  • Something that you can see through is ( T _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _  t)
  • Another word for escape. (E _ _ _ _ )
  • Another word for copy. ( I _ _ _ _ _ _ )
  • Give3 reasons why copycat animals copy
    To hide; To Trick; To confuse
  • The leafy sea gets its name from copying/looking like _______
  • A (class / school / university / college) of fish
  • What pattern is this? Name 5 animals with it.
    Spots. (Cheetahs, Leopards, Giraffes, Jaguars Deer)
  • Another word for "Types" of living things
  • What animal is fighting the snake?
  • What pattern is this? Name 5 animals with it.
    Stripes. (Tigers, Frogs, Zebras, Snakes, Fish)
  • What do you call a group of lions?
    A Pride of lions
  • What do you call a group of buffalos?
    A herd of buffalos
  • The leafy sea dragon doesn't only copy looks, it also copies
    dance moves of another leafy sea dragon
  • Name 4 animals that start with B
    Bear, Beaver, Baboon, Bison, Bat , Boar
  • Name 8 animals that start with C
    Cat; Caterpillar; Cow; Chicken; Camel; Cheetah; Crab; Chameleon
  • Some butterflies can copy the SHAPE and TASTE of other butterflies. TRUE/FALSE
    FALSE. shape and color
  • Having the same color or look of other things is called. (Write it on the board)
  • Another word for copy ( M _ _ _ _ )
  • Name 3 animals that start with A
    Ant; Ape; Antelope; Alligator
  • A word that means "to look like something"
  • Another word for strange (_ _ _ _ _ )