
Math's Riddle (2 Digit)

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  • The number has 2 digits. The ones digit is an odd number smaller than 9 but bigger than 5. It is smaller than 20. It is bigger than 13. The tens digit is also an odd number.
  • The number has 2 digits. The ones digit is bigger than 4 but smaller than 6. The tens digit is small than 4 but bigger than 3. It is smaller than 50 but bigger than 30.
  • The number is off. The number has 2 digits. The number has a 5 in the ones column. Double this number is 30.
  • The number is even. The number has 2 figits. The number in the ones column is double 4. The digits add up to 14.
  • This number has 2 digits. The ones digit is smaller than 4 but bigger than 2. The tens digit does not have the numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9.
  • The number has 2 digits. It is smaller than 100. It is bigger than 40. The tens digit bigger than 4 but smaller than 6. The ones digit has no value.
  • The number is odd. The number has a 1 in the ones column. The number is more than double 20 but less than half of 100.
  • The tens digit is an even number. The ones digit is half the amount of the tens digit. The ones digit is an odd number. The tens digit is between 5 and 9.
  • The number is even. The number has 2 digits. The number has a 3 in the tens column. The digits add up to 9.
  • This number has 2 digits. It is leass than 50 but more than 40. The ones digit is the same as 4 + 4.
  • This number has 2 digits. There is one lot of tens. The ones digit is an odd number between 4 and 6.
  • Both digits are even numbers. The tens digit is double the ones digit. The ones digit is more than 3 but less than 6.
  • The number is a multiple of 10. The number is more than double 30 and less than double 40. The number in the tens column is odd.
  • This number has 1 digit. It is smaller than 9. It is bigger than 7.
  • This number has 2 digits. The ones digit is 0. There are 5 tens in this number.
  • The number is even. The number has 3 digits. The number is double 50.
  • The number is even. The number is between double 40 and double 50. The number has one more than one in the ones column. The digits add up to 11. The number has 2 digits.
  • The number is bigger than 65. The ones digit is bigger than 0 but smaller than 3. The ones digit is an even number. The tens digit is an odd number. The number is smaller than 76.
  • The number has 2 digits. The ones digit is bigger than 1 but smaller than 3. The tens digit is smaller than 2. It is smaller than 20 but bigger than 10.
  • The tens digit is less than 1. The ones digit is the same as the tens digit. The hundreds digit is one more than the tens digit.
  • The number is odd. The number has 2 digits. The number has a 2 in the tens column. The digits add up to 5.
  • Both digits are odd. The digits are not the same. The tens digit is 2 more than the ones digit. The ones digit is not 1, 3, 5 or 9.
  • The ones digit is the largest possible digit. The tens digit is smaller than the ones digit and is an even number. The ones digit is an odd number. The tens digit is between 2 and 5.
  • The number has 2 digits. It has the same number in the ones and the tens. It is bigger than 65. The ones digit is bigger than 5 but smaller than 8. The tens digit is an even number. It is smaller than 68.
  • This number has 2 digits. The tens digit is a 3. The ones digit is smaller than 7 but bigger than 5.
  • The number has 2 digits. The ones digit is an even number smaller than 3 but bigger than 1. The tens digit is an even number. It is smaller than 100 but bigger than 80.