
WPS language acquisition

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  • What is a L1 and a L2? Can you have more than one L1 or L2?
    L1: mothertongue, L2: language learned/foreign language. Yes, you can
  • Can you name 5 hypotheses of Stephen Krashen?
    Acquisition-learning, natural order, monitor, input, affective filter
  • When did CLIL originated? Who was its creator?
    1994, David Marsh
  • What is "learning by doing"?
  • What does i + 1 mean?
    "comprehensible imput + something a bit more difficult"
  • What is the monitor filter?
  • What is the affective filter?
  • What is CLIL?
  • What is "prior activation knowledge"?
  • What is the difference between learning and acquiring a language?
    Babies acquire language (passive, unconcious) , adults learn a language (active, unconcious)
  • What is "scaffolding"?
  • What are the 4 C in CLIL?
    Content, communication, cognition, culture