
Around the World in Eighty Days Ch. 1-6

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  • Who wants a quiet job?
  • What happens at Kearney station?
    Fogg looks for Passepartout.
  • Who talks to Fix on the ship to America?
  • Who gets arrested in Liverpool?
  • Who is Mr. Phileas Fogg?
    He is an English gentleman.
  • In San Francisco, where does Fogg, Aouda, and Passpartout have problems?
    at a street meeting
  • Where does Passepartout find work?
    in a circus
  • What happens to Passepartout when he visits the temple at Malebar Hill?
    The priests get angry and take his shoes.
  • What is a "gentleman"?
    a man from a rich family who does not need to work
  • What day does the ship to Japan leave?
    6th Nov.
  • Does Fogg win 20,000 pounds?
  • Who takes Passpartout away?
    the Sioux Indians
  • What does it mean to "marry"?
    to make someone your husband or wife
  • Who doesn't want Fogg to get on the Carnatic?
  • What time do Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda leave on an American ship?
    6 o'clock
  • What happens when they arrive in New York?
    They are late for the ship.
  • Who gets married at the end of the book?
    Fogg and Aouda
  • What is a "detective"?
    a special policeman
  • What is a "judge"?
    a person who says when something is right or wrong
  • Where does Fix want to arrest Fogg?
    in London
  • What happens at Calcutta station?
    A policeman stops Fogg, Passepartout, and Aouda.