
5th Grade Math Unit 1 Review

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  • Elisa is counting beads to make jewelry for her store. She wants to make 127 pairs of earrings. She needs 12 beads for each earring. How many beads does Elisa need to make the earrings?
    1,524 beads
  • Evaluate (19 + 2) ÷ (9 − 2) + 14
  • Answer the following question
    They will have 8 zeros.
  • Solve 525 x 18 =
  • The baker puts 456 sprinkles on each donut. Sam bought 34 donuts. How many sprinkles are on Sam's donuts in all?
    15,504 sprinkles
  • Solve 674 x 25
  • 902 ÷ 22
  • Ms. Smith writes the following number on the board: 376,902. Write a number in which the value of the 7 is 1/100 the value of the 7 in Ms. Smith's number.
    Students wrote a number with the 7 in the Hundreds place.
  • Evaluate 50 + 6 × 11 − 4
  • Which expression represent the statement "divide the difference of 27 and 3 by the difference of 16 and 4" A. 27 - 3 ÷ 16 - 4 B. (27 - 3) ÷ (16 - 4) C. (27 - 3) ÷ 16 - 4 D. 27 ÷ 3 - 16 + 4
    B. (27 - 3) ÷ (16 - 4)
  • Olivia studied 3 hours each day for 4 days. On the fifth day, she studied for 6 hours. Which expression represents how many hours Olivia studied altogether? A. 4 + 3 + 6 B. 4 x (3 + 6) C. 3 x (4 + 6) D. 3 x 4 + 6
    D. 3 x 4 + 6
  • Mrs. Abrahams created 6 groups. Each group has 7 girls and 2 boys. Which expression can be used to find the total number of girls and boys? A. (6 + 7) x 2 B. (6 x 7) + 2 C. 6 x (7 + 2) D. 6 + (7 x 2)
    C. 6 x (7 + 2)
  • Evaluate 24 ÷ 6 + 4 × (3 + 6)
  • Evaluate 18 − (21 − 5) ÷ (22 − 18)
  • Solve 368 ÷ 23
  • Answer the following question.
    B. 1,000,000,000
  • Justin sold 528 sets of dinnerware in a year. If each set contained 14 pieces, how many pieces were sold in all?
    7,392 pieces
  • Susie wrote the number 375, 819. Andrew wrote a number in which the value of the digit 7 is 1/10 of the value of the digit 7 in Susie's number. Which place would the 7 in Andrew's number be in?
    Thousands place
  • Answer the following question
  • A bakery sells 479 trays of cookies in a day. How many trays of cookies can the bakery sell in 23 days?
    11,017 trays
  • Rebecca, a fruit seller, stacked 152 raspberries in one-large basket. If she packed 34 such baskets, how many raspberries did he pack?
    5,168 raspberries
  • Judy has 270 pencils stored in boxes. If there are 18 boxes, how may pencils must go in each box?
    15 pencils
  • Answer the following question
  • Brittney is inviting 12 friends to a party. She has 912 cookies. How many cookies will each friend get?
  • Evaluate 50 + 6 × (11 − 4)
  • Compare the digit 4 in the two numbers 64,827 and 10,452. How much bigger is the 4 in the first number than the 4 in the second number? A. 1 time B. 10 times C. 100 times D. 1000 times
    B. 10 times
  • 5,904 ÷ 24
  • Evaluate (20 + 12) ÷ 4
  • Answer the following question
  • Evaluate (40 + 14) ÷ 6
  • Evaluate 40 × (14 − 6)
  • A salesman sells 972 pieces of furniture. If he gets 23 reward points for each piece sold, how many points does he earn?
    22,356 points
  • 560 runners run a marathon, which is 42 kilometers. How many kilometers do the runners run altogether?
    23,520 kilometers
  • Evaluate 35 + 6 × (30 − 23)
  • 19 + 40 ÷ 5 − (8 + 5)