
Passive Voice (Infinitives, gerunds)

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  • I wonder how some people got rich. That money must (steal). Do you know any stories like that?
    must have been stolen
  • How should people who vandalize public property (punish)?
    be punished
  • I avoid (drag) into some activities by my friends, I prefer to be a couch potato. True for you?
    being dragged
  • I used to (call) different funny names by my friends and family when I was a child. True for you? Develop the idea.
    be called
  • Lots of the stuff that I own could (throw) away a long time ago. True for you?
    have been thrown away
  • What environmental problems mustn`t (ingnore)?
    mustn`t be ignored
  • guaranteed (achieve) as long as I`m tenacious. Develop the idea.
    to be achieved
  • I expect (pay) more money at my work. What about you?
    to be paid
  • I demand not (disturb) after a certain time. True for you? Develop the idea.
    not to be disturbed
  • I don`t think there are unique people, everybody can (replace). What is your take?
    can be replaced
  • I can`t stand (interrupt) by others. What about you?
    being interrupted
  • I don`t want (give) unsolicited advice. True for you? Develop the idea.
    to be given
  • I don`t think kids should (spoil) by their parents, upbringing should be rather strict. What is your opinion?
    should be spoilt
  • Do you think that some school (university) subjects should (abolish) a long time ago?
    should have been abolished
  • Do you enjoy (compliment) by other people? What are some recent compliments you have received?
    being complimented
  • Some of my problems could (avoid) if I ... Finish the idea.
    have been avoided
  • Name three things that need (do) by you by the end of the week.
    need to be done
  • I have friends who love (praise) even for their smallest achievements. True for you?
    being praised