
Story of the world, volume 4 chapter 10

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  • What three countries fought in the War of the Pacific?
    Peru, Bolivia and Chile
  • How many years was it before Peru surrendered?
    Peru fought for three more years.
  • Which country had no navy?
    Bolivia has no navy at all.
  • What was this canal called?
    the Suez canal.
  • What did Chile and Bolivia quarrel over?
    the Atacama Desert
  • What did Chilean soldiers do after the capture of the Huascar?
    Chilean soldiers invaded Peru and burned the capital (Lima).
  • List two things that Ismail Pasha did to make Egypt stronger.
    He opened classrooms for girls; he built new roads and railroads; he had new factories and cotton mills built; he took over some of the Sudan.
  • Which country had the strongest navy?
    Chile had the strongest navy.
  • What happened when the chilean navy cornered the Peruvian warship Huascar?
    The ship was captured and its commander was killed.
  • name two of three things found in the Atacama Desert
    The desert had copper, saltpeter for gunpowder, and sodium nitrate
  • What did France and Great Britain demand?
    They demanded control Egypt's treasury
  • Muhammad Ali claimed to be ruling in whose name?
    He claimed to be ruling in the name of the Ottoman sultan.
  • What empire did Egypt become part of in the 1500s?
    Egypt became part of the Ottoman Empire.
  • What did he do to raise extra money?
    He sold the Suez canal to the British.
  • What country had Bolivia signed a treaty with?
    Bolivia and Peru signed a treaty
  • Why did Chile want control of Antofagasta?
    It was a port city.
  • Why was the desert so dry?
    It lay in a "rain shadow" - a place behind a mountain that doesn't get any rain. OR... Because storms blowing towards it hit a mountain first, so the...
  • What empire did Egypt become part of in the Middle ages?
    Egypt had become part of the Islamic Empire.
  • How did Ismail Pasha weaken Egypt?
    He borrowed over ten million dollars from France and Great Britain.
  • How long did the Suez canal take to finish?
    It took ten years.
  • What did Bolivia want miners from Chile to do?
    Bolivia wanted miners to pay taxes on what they found.
  • What did Peru have in its navy?
    Peru had two iron warships.
  • When Ismail's son Tawfiq became khedive, who was really in control of Egypt?
    The Egyptian army and government had to obey British orders.
  • Why did Chilean soldiers march up to take control of the city of Antofagasta, in Bolivia?
    Bolivia had seized a Chilean mining company to sell at auction.
  • Where was the war between Chile and Bolivia-Peru alliance fought?
    It was fought in the waters of the Pacific.
  • How would the canal make trade with the Far East easier for European ships?
    The ships could sail from the Mediterranean down in the the Red Sea, then turn east instead of sailing all the way around Africa.
  • When Peru agreed to a peace treaty, what did it give up?
    Peru gave up the southern part of its coast.
  • What title of honor did the Ottoman sultan give to Ismail Pasha, ruler of Egypt?
    The sultan gave him the title "khedive" which meant "king" or "sovereign ruler"
  • What did Muhammad Ali want Egypt to be like?
    He wanted Egypt to be more European, with universities and a modern army.
  • What happened in Peru after the treaty was signed?
    Civil war went on for seven years.
  • What did Bolivia give up?
    Bolivia gave up its entire coastline.
  • What did Chile gain rights to?
    Chile gained rights to the Atacama Desert.
  • What did Muhammad Ali's son, Said Pasha, give permission to a French company to do?
    He gave them permission to dig a canal from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea