
Making headlines

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  • Direct to reported speech. The present perfect changes to __________
    past perfect
  • Direct to reported speech. A verb in the present simple changes to ________
    past simple
  • Say three phrases for giving examples
    For example/For instance/Such as...
  • Direct to reported speech. The past simple changes to ________
    past perfect
  • Say two phrases for giving your opinion
    In my opinion/From my point of view/As far as I'm concerned/As I see it
  • I'm just going to listen quickly to the news _________ and then I'll join you
  • Correct the mistake: He explained them that it had all been a misunderstanding
    He explained that it had all been a misunderstanding
  • He _______ that he had climbed all of the world's highest mountains, but we weren't sure whether to believe him.
  • What's the word which means the same as proof?
  • Direct to reported speech. Will changes to ________
  • You can always ______ on your friends
  • The news was so terrible. We were in complete ________. Nobody knew what to say.
  • Correct the mistake: She said him she was glad it was all over
    She said she was glad it was all over/She told him she was glad it was all over
  • What's the word that means a plan to deceive someone, such as telling police there is a bomb somewhere when there isn't?
    A hoax
  • When concluding, two phrases that you can use are _________
    To sum up/In conclusion/To summarise..
  • The thief _________ stealing the money
    admitted/owned up to
  • He ________ not going to university.
  • Change this sentence from direct to reported speech. " I have never done anything bad in my life!"
    She/He said that she/he had never done anything bad in her/his life
  • Change this sentence from direct to reported speech. "I saw her yesterday"
    She/He said that he had seen her the day before
  • Change this sentence from direct to reported speech. "I'll go to the airport and pick her up"
    He/She said that he/she would go to the airport and pick her up