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  • You shouldn't sign the contract under any circumstances. => Under no circumstances..........................the contract.
    should you sign
  • People rarely appreciate talents for music. => Rarely....................appreciate talents for music.
    do people appreciate
  • I have never seen such a handsome guy like my teacher. => Never...........................such a handsome guy like my teacher
    have I seen
  • John had never been to such a fantastic restaurant => Never ....................... to such a fantastic restaurant
    had John been
  • I in no way want to go on a picnic. => In no way .................... to go on a picnic
    do I want
  • He didn't realize that he had lost his keys until he got home => Not until he got home.......................that he had lost his keys
    did he realize
  • He discovered that he was injured when he tried to run => Only when he tried to run...................that he was injured
    did he discover
  • He would never play in front of a live audience again. => Never front of a live audience again.
    would he play
  • He understood little about the situation. => Little.......................about the situation.
    did he understand
  • He had no sooner resigned than he received a better job offer => No sooner...................than he received a better job offer
    had he resigned
  • We won't let you play basketball until you grow up.=> Not until you grow up..................... you play basketball
    will we let
  • I seldom leave my house so early. => Seldom .................. my house so early
    do I leave
  • Amy had not enjoyed herself so much since she went to the circus as a child. => Not since Amy went to the circus as a child.....................herself so much
    had she enjoyed
  • The park was hardly finished when vandals destroyed the flowerbeds. => Hardly ..............................when vandals destroyed the flowerbeds.
    was the park finished