
The weather

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  • What are these?
    They're wellies/wellington boots/rubber boots
  • The girl is ________ in the puddle
  • What's she got?
    She's got an umbrella
  • In which season can you jump in the sea?
  • What's the weather like?
    It's windy
  • In which season can you jump in puddles?
  • In which season can you fly a kite?
  • what season is it?
    It's Winter
  • What's the weather like?
    It's snowy
  • How does she feel?
    She feels hot
  • What's the weather like?
    It's cloudy
  • What's the weather like?
    It's foggy
  • What's the weather like?
    It's rainy
  • In which season can you ride a sledge?
  • What's this?
    An ice-cream
  • What season is it?
    It's Autumn
  • What season is it?
    It's Spring
  • What season is it?
    It's Summer
  • What's the weather like?
    It's sunny
  • How does he feel?
    He feels cold
  • What is a good idea when you're very hot?
    Drink lots of water, use a fan, wear a hat, stay in the shade, put on suncream
  • What's the girl wearing?
    She's wearing a wooly hat, a coat, a scarf, gloves and boots
  • What's the girl wearing?
    She's wearing a raincoat