
Autumn Multiple Meaning Words

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  • Bale/Bail:
    Bale = bundle of something; Bail = to leave or release someone
  • Ruler:
    1. used to measure something 2. a person in power
  • Back:
    1. the back of the body 2. to go back to a place 3. back in time
  • Squash:
    1. the vegetable 2. to squish something
  • Fall:
    1. the season, fall (autumn) 2. move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control, from a higher to a lower level
  • Marker:
    1. that you color or write with 2. an item used to mark a location or spot
  • Orange:
    1. the color 2. the fruit
  • Leaves:
    1. to exit a room 2. leaves on a tree
  • Hay/Hey
    Hay = what horses eat; Hey = Hi!
  • School:
    1. the place you go to learn 2. school (or group) of fish
  • Patch:
    1. pumpkin patch 2. a piece of cloth or other material used to mend or strengthen a torn or weak point
  • Season:
    1. the 4 seasons of the year 2. add salt, herbs, pepper, or other spices to food 3. a set of related television programs