
Football 1

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  • Which soccer club has the most trophies?
    Real Madrid are one of the biggest clubs in the world and, with 72 trophies, they're also the most successful European club in history.
  • Who is he?
  • Football teams play on the football pitch or at the stadium. What's the difference?
  • Who is he?
  • This player is the top scorer of the Champions League
    Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Real Madrid/Manchester City/Milan. Can you compare these teams?
  • How many players are there on the field during a game?
    Each team plays 11 players on the field at the same time
  • Which country has won the most World Cups?
  • Who is he?
  • Ukraine together with Poland were the hosts of the European Football Championship - Euro. When was it?
    In 2012
  • What happens if anyone except the goalkeeper touches the ball with their hands?
    It's a foul
  • What happens to a player if he gets a red card?
    The player will be immediately removed from the game, unable to play for the rest of the game.