
Book 5 Lesson 11

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  • Complete the sentence "Yesterday at the party, I fell out with ____________"
    Personal answer
  • How do you say "Eu tive um desentendimento com meu chefe"?
    I had a disagreement with my boss.
  • How do you say "Ele se envolveu em uma discussão" in English?
    He got / became involved in an argument.
  • Make up a sentence with "to pick a fight"
    Personal answer.
  • How do you say "Por que você não fala na minha cara?"
    Why don't you tell me to my face?
  • Make up an example with "to dare".
    Personal answer
  • How do you say "Não coloque mais lenha na fogueira"?
    Don't add more fuel to the fire.
  • Make up a sentence with "How dare you...?"
    Personal answer.
  • Make up a sentence with "never mind"
    Personal answer
  • Complete the sentence: Stop interfering in ___________________.
    Personal answer,
  • Complete the sentence: My mom always criticizes me for _________________.
    Personal answer
  • Make up a sentence with "(no) hard feelings"
    Personal answer
  • Make an example with "in the heat of the moment"
    Personal answer
  • Complete the sentence: "We never disagree about ________________"
    Personal answer.