
Let's talk about animals?

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  • Have you ever adopted a pet? If not, would you?
    Yes, I have. I would never buy a pet. / No, I haven't/ I would totally agree with adopting a pet
  • Have you ever considered stopping eating meat?
    Yes, I have. I have considered being a vegetarian/vegan. No, I haven't. Meat in an important part of my diet.
  • What are the famous wild animals in your region?
    Here in .... we can see some ....
  • Why do people have pets?
    I think people have pets because they...
  • What's a popular pet to have in your country?
    In my country, people usually have a/an .... as a pet.
  • If you could be an animal, what animal would you choose?
    If I were an animal, I would like to be a/an... because....
  • How can people protect the animals?
    People could ..... to protect the animals.
  • Why should people worry about animal rights?
    I suppose people should/shouldn't worry about animals rights because...
  • What wild animal would you most like to see on a safari or in the ocean?
    I think I would like to see a...
  • What's your favourite animal? Why?
    My favourite animal is a tiger, because it's very strong!
  • Did you have a pet as a child?
    No, I didn't. My parent's didn't allow me. / Yes, I did! Its name was...
  • Do you think money should be spent on protecting the animals?
    Yes, I do. It's a very important matter. / No, I don't. People should use the money to ... instead.
  • What's the weirdest pet name you have ever heard about?
    I think ... is an usual name for a pet.
  • Who would you take in a safari with you?
    I would take .... . I think he/she/they would be a great company to enjoy a moment like that!
  • Do you like animals?
    Yes, I do! / No, I don't
  • Do you have a pet?
    No, I don't / Yes, I do! It's name is...