
Common proverbs

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  • It takes two to _______.
    It takes two to tango. (You want to emphasize that both people involved in a difficult situation must accept the blame.)
  • Don't put all your eggs in _______ __________________.
    Don't put all your eggs i one basket. (Always have options / a plan B ; do not invest everything in one area )
  • _____ _______ the merrier.
    The more the merrier. (An occasion will be more enjoyable if a lot of people are there.)
  • The grass is _______ on the _______ ________.
    The grass is greener on the other side. (The things we don't have seem better than the things we have.)
  • ______________ before you leap.
    Look before you leap.(Think before you act)
  • Beggars can't be __________.
    Beggars can't be choosers. (When you recognize that you must accept an offer or a situation because it is the only one available to you.)
  • Early __________ catches the __________ .
    Early bird catches the worm .(Starting early may improve chances of success.)
  • An __________ a day keeps ___________ away.
    An apple a day keeps doctor away. (Eating nutritious food makes you healthy.)
  • Don't judge the book by it's ___________.
    Don't judge the book by it's cover - (Don't decide the value of someone or something based on looks)
  • When there's a _______, there's a ________.
    When there's a will, there's a way. (If you really want to achieve sth you'll find the way)
  • No news is good news.
    No news is good news. (If sth bad had happened, you would have been notified)
  • When in rome, do as the ___________ do .
    When in Rome, do as the Romans do. (Adapt yourself to the people around you / in an unknown situation follow the lead of someone who knows what they are doing.)
  • ____________ is in the eyes of the beholder.
    Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder (Not all people have the same opinion about what beauty is , it differs from person to person.)
  • _____________ speaks __________ than words.
    Action speaks louder than words. (You need to act according to what you say. You can tell if a person is good / bad , if you see his actions , not his words.)
  • ___________ killed the cat.
    Curiosity killed the cat. (Being inquisitive about other people's affairs may get you into trouble.)
  • Every ____________ has a ____________ lining .
    Every cloud has a silver lining - (Even the bad / negative event can benefit you.)
  • ________________ didn't knock, until I built the door .
    Opportunity didn't knock until I built the door . (Don't wait for an opportunity create it)
  • A _______ in hand is worth two ______ _______ _______.
    A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. (The things we currently have are worth a lot more than the things we have a chance of getting)
  • __________ makes a man perfect .
    Practice makes perfect . (Continuous efforts will give good results)
  • It's no use _______ over _______ milk.
    It's no use crying over spilt milk. (Said to mean that it is pointless to worry or be upset about something that has happened.)
  • A __________ is worth a thousand words.
    A picture is worth a thousand words. (Sometimes a picture can convey the meaning better than writing / saying the same).
  • A friend in ______ is a friend __________.
    A friend in need is a friend indeed. (A friend who helps you when you really need help is a true friend.)