
What is the good thing you can see?

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  • What is good about seeing a doctor?
    You will feel better
  • What is good about sick?
    Is when you can rest for that day
  • Driving past a muddy puddle
    Brings you to get your car washed
  • What is good about fire?
    It keeps you warm, can cook things
  • What is good about seeing a dentist?
    Keep your teeth clean
  • What is good about a hard math problem?
    It challenges you to practice and be better at it
  • What good do you see in a melted icecream?
    It can become a milk shake
  • What good do you see if it starts raining and you can't go out to play?
    At least the plants are watered, my car gets a wash, I get to do other activities
  • What is good about having too many things to carry?
    Train your muscles, being kind and help mummy carry things
  • What is good about bees?
    They make honey
  • What good can you see if you lost in a game?
    You will do better next time
  • What is a good thing you can see if your phone/ ipad has a low battery?
    Time to rest your eyes and find some other outdoor activities
  • What is good about sleeping?
    You can have a good rest so you feel awake the next day
  • What is the good thing if you forgot to bring a book that will be used at class today?
    You can share with your friends
  • What is good about water?
    Keeps you hydrated, fresh, helps you become clean
  • What is something good about trees?
    Give you shade, keeps you dry and away from the sun
  • When there is flood in the neighbour hood?
    You can go fishing, paddling a boat
  • What good things can you see when your TV is broken?
    You get to rest your eyes or sleep early
  • What is good about having homework?
    Helps you learn and become better at something
  • What is the good thing if she lost the game?
    She will practice more and do better next time
  • What is good when mum says no eating junk food
    Keeps you healthy