
City Life

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  • if the rate or level of something ____________, it increases very quickly and by a large amount
  • a____________ is an attack on someone in the street in order to steal from them
  • roads that are _____________ have a lot of traffic on them, so everybody moves very slowly
  • to _________ something violent or extreme means to cause it to start
  • If a district is ____________, it has expensive houses and shops that sell good quality items, and the people who live there are quite rich
  • _____________ involves buying a lot of expensive and often unnecessary things in order to impress people and show them you are rich
    conspicuous consumption
  • if you __________ something or if it halts, it stops happening or developing
  • If someone is______________, they are carrying guns or have guns available.
  • if you ______ money _____ an activity or organisation, you spend a large amount of money on it over a period of time in order to try and make it as successful as possible
    pour ... into
  • something that is _____________ is properly organised
  • a ___________ place or building spreads out over a large area in an untidy or uncontrolled way
  • if someone is __________________, they are trying to impress people by talking about their achievements or possessions in a very annoying way
    showing off
  • ____________ is rubbish that is dropped in public places and which makes those places look untidy