
Languages in classroom

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  • Say a sentence
    Can you switch off / turn off the lights please?
  • Say a sentence
    Take your books out
  • Say a sentence
    Can you switch on / turn on the lights please?
  • Say a sentence
    Open the window
  • Say a sentence
    Don't open your books
  • Say a sentence
    Can you explain this by Vietnamese please?
  • Say a sentence
    What does this word mean?
  • Say a sentence
    don't talk
  • Say a sentence
    Can you help me please?
  • Say a sentence
    clean the board
  • Say a sentence
    Don't stand up
  • Say a sentence
    Sorry I'm late
  • Say a sentence
    How do you pronounce this word?
  • Say a sentence
    close the door
  • Say a sentence
    Sit down
  • Say a sentence
    Can you play the CD again please?
  • Say a sentence
    How do you spell your name please?
  • Say a sentence
    Look at the board