
Chit Chat 2 review

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  • Translate: tělocvik a dějepis
    PE and History
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: activities
    running, jumping, swimming, riding a bike, playing some sport...
  • Name 3 in 30 sec.: health problems
    headache, sore throat, red eyes, cold, temperature
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: free time activities
    running, reading, playing PC games, playing tennis, swimming, fishing, shopping...
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: types of weather
    cold, windy, hot, warm, rainy, snowing, storm...
  • Translate: ryby a hmyz
    fish and insect
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: Things in a living room
    sofa, light, Tv, cupboard, char, armchair, plant...
  • Translate: listy a maso
    leaves and meat
  • Say it correctly: What is she doing?
    She is writing a letter.
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: Fruits
    apple, pear, cherry, plum, peach, banana, pineapple...
  • Say it correctly: What time is it?
    It's one ten.
  • Translate: chladno a větrno
    cold and windy
  • Translate: Nejez zmrzlinu
    Don't eat ice cream
  • Say it correctly: What are the ducks doing?
    They/The ducks are running.
  • Say it correctly: What is Garfild doing?
    He is eating.
  • Translate: sedačka a rostlina
    sofa and plant
  • Translate: plavání a potápění
    swimming and diving
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: places in a town
    hotel, church, cinema, castle, bookshop, swimming pool
  • Say it correctly: What time is it?
    It's twelve a clock.
  • Say it correctly: What time is it?
    It's half past three.
  • Translate: Zaboč v pravo
    Turn right
  • Translate: naproti a vedle
    opposite and next to
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: musical instruments
    drum, violin, trumpet, piano, guitar,
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: heatlthy things
    vegetables, fruits, running, riding a bike, drinking water...
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: wild animals
    owl, crocodile, hippo, bat, bear...
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: rooms in a house
    kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, hall, dining room, living room...
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: vegetables
    potato, carrot, tomato, pepper, cucumber...
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: things animals usually eat
    meat, grass, leaves, fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts...
  • Say it correctly: What time is it?
    It's two o´clock.
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: TV programes/types of films
    comedies, cartoon, animal, science fiction, horror, musical
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: holiday activities
    eating icecream, diving, swimming, reading, doing sport, dancing...
  • Name 5 in 30 sec.: pets
    hamster, rabbit, guineapig, cat, dog...