
Wish / if only -2

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  • I wish you ......(start) tidying your side of the bedroom instead of leaving it all to me.
    would start
  • He wishes now that he ......(learn) a second language when he had the opportunity.
    had learned
  • I wish the dog next door ....(not/ bark) all night . I didn´t sleep at all.
    hadn´t barked
  • If only you ....(not/ keep) reminding me about how embarassingly I behaved last night . I want to forget it!
    wouldn´t keep
  • The basketball coach told Paul that if only he ......(be) a few centimetres taller he could join the team.
  • If only we ......(can) go to the beach but it´s too cold.
  • I wish I ....(buy) the orange dress rather than this grey one.It´s really dull.
    had bought