
GKA Lesson 9 Like a Ram

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  • Is this dog like this dog?
    Yes, this dog IS like this dog or No, this dog is NOT like this dog.
  • Which word starts with the letter R?
  • How are they different?
    They are different sizes. 1 is big and 1 is small
  • She ____ a cat. have or has?
  • Give 1 word that starts with R
    red, ram, roll, rake, rope, rent, rat, rest
  • How are they the same?
    They are both brown. They are both small. They are both rabbits.
  • Is this cat like this cat?
    Yes, this cat is like this cat or No, this cat is NOT like this cat.
  • A ____ has __ feet.
    A cow has 4 feet.
  • You ____ a house. have or has?
  • I ____ a dog. have or has ?
  • Give 1 word that starts with R 
    rabbit, rake, rope, rest, ram, rent, raft, roll
  • Is this duck like this duck?
    Yes, this duck IS like this duck or No, this duck is NOT like this duck.