
CY-2 Vocabulary Week 5 (Novel & Writing Class)

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  • My dog felt ______ while wearing a cone after his vet visit.
    shame (n)
  • It was really _______ when the child made fun of his sister.
    obnoxious (adj)
  • The duck ________(d/ed) from his shell.
    emerge (v)
  • I laughed ______ when I beat my brother at rock, paper, scissors.
    smugly (adv)
  • I don't want to be a ______ at school. I want to have lots of friends.
    misfit (n)
  • ________ isn't always the best. When you take a test you should take your time.
    Efficiency (n)
  • My hair becomes _______ when it is hot outside.
    frizzy (adj)
  • I prefer art and history over math and science because I'm bad at using _____ to solve problems.
    logic (n)
  • The chameleon likes to _________ with its surroundings.
    blend in (v)
  • There is always a ________ you will have a very lucky day.
    possibility (n)