
School Fair - Neil Armstrong

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  • Can astronauts cook delicious meals in the space rocket?
  • Who helped Neil Armstrong land the Eagle?
    Buzz Aldrin
  • What is Neil Armstrong famous for?
    He was the first person to set foot on the moon.
  • When did Neil Armstrong step on the Moon?
    On July 20th, 1969.
  • What planet does the Moon orbit?
    Planet Earth
  • How many people have set foot on the Moon?
    12 people
  • How long does it take to get to the Moon?
    3 days
  • Can astronauts travel in space on an airplane?
    What?? No!!
  • What is the actual Moon color?
    Dark gray.
  • How long does it take to the Moon orbit the Earth?
    27 - 29.5 days
  • Can astronauts write with a regular pen in space?
    No, they cannot.
  • Which subjects astrounauts have to be good at?
    Math, Science and Technology.
  • In what year Neil Armstrong was born?
  • How old is the Moon?
    4.5 billion years
  • Can astronauts explore space and other planets?
  • How many sunsets can an astronauts experience in a 24-hour day?
    16 sunsets
  • Phases of the Moon.
    Full Moon
  • Phases of the Moon.
    New Moon
  • What famous quote did Neil Armstrong say as he made his first steps on the moon?
    "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".