
Story of the World Volume 4, Chapter 9

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  • Revolutionaries in __________________ revolted against the Turks, but they weren't well organized.
  • How did Abdulhamid II try to improve his country?
    Abdulhamid II announced that the Ottoman Empire would have a constitution, like the modern Western countries, and an assembly that would meet together...
  • Why was Indonesia once known as the Dutch East Indies?
    Merchants from the Netherlands formed the Dutch East India Company and built trading posts on the islands east of India. They called these islands the...
  • Why was the kingdom of Acheh allowed to remain independent?
    The kingdom of Acheh was allowed to remain independent so that it would be a neutral zone between the British in Singapore and the Dutch in Sumatra.
  • The Ottoman Empire was ruled by a _________________.
  • The people of Acheh fought against the Dutch using ______________ warfare, rather than using an organized army on a regular battlefield.
  • What did Abdul Aziz do that shocked the rest of Europe?
    Abdul Aziz ordered his soldiers to kill all of the Bulgarian revolutionaries and anyone who had helped them. His soldiers wiped out sixty villages and...
  • The Ottoman Empire included the mountainous land north of Greece, which the Turks called the ____________________, the Turkish word for "mountain."
  • Tjoet Njak Dien was a fierce Achenese woman who became known as _________ _______________.
    Ibu Perbu or The Queen
  • What excuse did the Russian army use to invade the Ottoman Empire?
    The Russians said that when the Turkish army had wiped out Bulgarian villages, Muslim soldiers had killed many Bulgarian Christians and that the Chris...
  • The Dutch and the British governments both wanted to claim the island of ______________.
  • Why did farmers of the East Indies begin to revolt against the Dutch?
    Farmers in the East Indies began to revolt because the Dutch government forced them to set apart one-fifth of their land to grow crops for the Dutch a...
  • Essay - Answer this question in paragraph form.Why was the Ottoman Empire known as the "sick man of Europe?"
    The Ottoman Empire was known as the "sick man of Europe" because, for many years, the Ottoman Turks had been growing weaker and poorer. The sultans sp...