
Qs b2+ 1min

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  • * Do you think it’s possible to have a happy family and a successful career at the same time?
  • * If you could be a celebrity for a day, which celebrity would you be?
  • What technology or business do you think will be obsolete within the next 10 years?
  • Would you rather be a professional athlete or celebrity actor?
  • What's the best thing to do on a cold winter day?
  • * What is the most challenging part of your job or your studies? What is the most rewarding part?
  • When going on a vacation, would you prefer to join a tour or plan out everything by yourself?
  • What would you like to do when you retire?
  • At what age do you think someone becomes responsible for his or her actions?
  • What age is best to start dating?
  • * What is one thing you’ve never done but would like to do?
  • * If you were the principal at school, what would you change?
  • What's your least favorite thing about going on vacation?
  • Does motivation come from inside a person or from their environment? Explain why you think so.
  • How would your friends and family describe you?
  • What do you think your life will look like in 10 years?
  • If you could try out any job for one week, what job would you choose to try?
  • What are the best ways to make a good first impression?
  • Do you think that people are born with empathy or are they taught it?
  • Are you more of a spontaneous or structured person?