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  • How many legs does a dragonfly have?
    A dragonfly has 6 legs.
  • What is the main idea of the book we read in class?
    The main idea is dragonflies are amazing insects.
  • How many eggs can a dragonfly lay?
    Thousands of eggs at a ttime
    One egg of a time
    Hundreds of eggs at a time
  • Dragonflies live close to the water.
    Not true
  • Adult dragonflies have the largest eyes of all insects.
    Not true
  • Where do dragonflies lay their eggs?
    Dragonflies lay their eggs in wood.
    Dragonflies lay thier eggs near the water.
  • What can young dragonflies do that adult dragonflies cannot do?
    They can breath under water.
  • What is an adjective?
    An adjective is a word that describes something.
  • Is a dragonfly an insect? How do you know?
    Yes, a dragonfly is an insect because it has 6 legs.
  • Can you make a sentence using the words: dragonflies, insects, and wings?