
Thesis Questions

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  • Why did you choose this study?
    This question requires you to answer what motivated you to pursue the study in the first place.
  • How will your findings contribute to the related area of knowledge?
    Here you will need to use your methods, case study or any unique model or conceptual framework used in the study to defend it
  • Why did you choose this research methodology?
    To answer this question, you must be familiar with your research methodology.
  • What is your research study about?
    In your answer, you should summarize your research in a few sentences
  • What research findings surprised you?
    When you conduct research, you come across findings that you were not expecting earlier. If you had such an experience, you might describe it
  • What is the significance of the study?
    how your study will contribute to the body of knowledge, you will need to state the importance of your study.
  • What sources did you use for data collection?
    You might have referred to databases, content on the web, or even conducted primary research by interviewing prospects
  • How can your research be put into practice?
    You should talk about how your research is beneficial for society and how it can help in eliminating current issues.
  • What did you find in your research?
    You may describe your research in a few sentences in this answer
  • Who will be most interested in your research?
    You can talk about who may be affected by your research and the parties who can potentially benefit from the research.
  • Why you choose this title?
    The title of your thesis captures the main point of your research, which is why it is so important to use an appropriate title.