
g4 vocab

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  • consumed
    to eat something
  • defiance
    you know something is not allowed, but you do it anyway
  • proclaimed
    to say something in a strong way to show it was important for others to hear
  • mighty
    strong and powerful
  • cynic
    someone who always expects bad things to happen
  • majestic
    impressive and beautiful
  • ancient
    very, very old
  • doubts
    when you aren't sure about something
  • obliged
    to do what you were asked or expected to do
  • resolutions
    promises to do or not do something
  • inadvertently
    To do something by mistake or without realizing it.
  • sumptuous
    impressive and expensive looking
  • considered
    to think about something carefully
  • mundane
    ordinary and dull
  • cautiously
    to do something very carefully
  • hoard
    a group of valuable things that is usually kept secret and carefully guarded by someone
  • heritage
    the beliefs and traditions passed down from the people who lived before him or her
  • trickle
    small amount of slowly flowing water
  • disdain
    to treat someone as if they are unimportant or not as good as you are
  • marveled
    to felt surprised or amazed by something
  • profound
    deep and meaningful
  • awkward
    when things feel tense and uncomfortable
  • descended
    came down or spread around
  • relying
    trusting or depending on something
  • clumsy
    something that happens in a careless way