
Criminals of the Animal Kingdom

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  • Crime: Theft. How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    The bird is hiding behind the plants with all of the blue things he stole!
  • Crime: Faking her own death. How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    The frog is laying on the ground pretending to be dead.
  • Crime: Destruction of property. How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    The caterpillar is covered in flower petals that he took from the garden!
  • Crime: Bullying. How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    The naked mole rat is yelling "boo" to scare the other naked mole rats. Not nice!
  • Crime: Mischief. How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    The monkey is yelling "EAGLE!" to confuse the other monkeys, but there isn't really any eagle.
  • Crime: Illegal fishing. How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    She is using her light to lure fish closer before she eats them!
  • Crime: Identify theft. How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    He is hanging from the tree like a monkey, but he is not a monkey! He is just pretending to be one.
  • Crime: Assault. How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    The llama is spitting at someone!
  • Crime: Traffic violation. How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    The crabs are crossing the street and holding up traffic!
  • Crime: Disturbing the peace. How does picture provide evidence of the crime?
    The snapping shrimp is using her claws to make loud sounds under water.
  • Crime: Bad parenting. How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    She put her egg in another bird's nest, and left it there!
  • Crime: Digging a death trap! How does the picture provide evidence of the crime?
    The doodlebug is waiting for innocent ants to fall into the circles she drew in the sand, then she will eat them!