
Places in town

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  • A place where you go to play outside. There's a lot of space.
    A park.
  • A place where you go to watch movies and eat popcorn.
    A cinema.
  • A place where you can get money.
    A bank
  • A place where you can send letters, get stamps and money.
    A post office.
  • A place where you can play any sports - swimming, basketball, volleyball, soccer, etc.
    A sports centre.
  • A place where you can get many things. You can buy books, clothes, food, records, etc.
    A shop.
  • A place where you go to buy things for your house. For example: Atacadão, Igacenter, etc.
    A supermarket.
  • A place where you go to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner.
    A restaurant
  • A place where you go to see sculptures, arts and old things, like dinosaurs.
    A musem
  • A place where you go to pray and talk to God.
    A church