
Story of the World Vol 4 Ch 4

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  • What was the Risorgimento, or "rising again," of Italy?
    It was the movement to make all of the Italian states into one Italian republic
  • Put the events on order
    1- Italians began to meet in secret society2- The Carbonaria joined all of the secret societies together3- After receiving a message from the pope, th...
  • When the 1848 revolt against Austria began, what did the pope do?
    He fled from Rome into Naples, and he asked Roman Catholic kings in Europe to send their armies against the Young Italians.
  • What were the radical ideals the revolutionaries had about how China should be run.
    A.The land should be divided evenly and crops would be shared.B.All Chinese people would be equal.
  • In 1850 which dynasty was ruling in China?
    Qing Dynasty
  • The British helped to defeat the Taipings in what two ways?
    A.British steamships helped move the Qing armies.B.British soldiers fought on the side of the Qing.
  • What did Hong rename himself, after his followers were attacked?
    He called himself the Heavenly King.
  • What were 3 different forms of government proposed by the Italian secret societies
    Republic, Leadership by the pope, and Rule by a king
  • What drug did British merchants bring to China?
  • Why did this growth cause problems in China? . He dreamed
    Chinese people were moving away from the cities, toward the north and west, and they began to quarrel with the people who already lived there.
  • What two groups were at war in China?
    The rich and poor of China were at war with each other.
  • What happened in 1861, the year after the Battle of Volturno?
    Victor Emmanuel was crowned king of Italy.
  • Why did italian men begin to meet together in secret societies?
    T hey wanted the Italian states to be free from Austria and unite into one country.
  • What happened to the French support for the Italian rebellion?
    The French king decided to make peace with Austria, because so many French soldiers had died.
  • What did Giuseppe Mazzini do after the Carbonaria members were arrested?
    He formed a new society called Young Italy.
  • After initially helping the Austrians, why did the French king later agree to fight with the Italians against Austria?
    He agreed to help the Italians fight against Austria because Victor Emmanuel promised to give the French king part of his own kingdom.
  • On what island did Garibaldi land his ships?
    He landed on Sicily.
  • What did Hong Xinquan believe about the odd dream he had while studying for his government examination?
    He believed that his dream was a message from God calling him to fight against the evils that made the poor people of China miserable.
  • Name Two famous leaders of Italian secret societies
    Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi
  • China faced what three problems
    .A.The Qing government was corrupt and unjust.B.The population was growing too fast.C.Too much money was being spent on opium.
  • The Taiping army did what three things as it marched north?
    A.It killed unjust landlords and government officials.B.It burned tax papers and destroyed offices.C.It stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
  • By the mid-nineteenth century, why had China become so poor?
    China had become poor because Chinese opium users gave British mercants huge amounts of money for opium, but the British didn't spend nearly as much o...
  • Who was the young sailor who became Mazzini's right hand man and eventually led the Italians to victory?
    Giuseppe Garibaldi
  • Why was more money leaving China than was coming into it?
    Chinese opium addicts were giving the British money for opium, but the British weren't buying as many Chinese goods
  • Why did the British help fight against the Chinese revolutionaries?
    The British helped fight against the revolutionaries because China had signed a treaty that would open up more Chinese ports to British merchants as s...
  • What were Hong's followers called?
    They were called the God Worshippers.
  • Why did the Hong Xinquan's followers grow their hair long?
    They grew their hair long to show that they were enemies of the Qing.
  • Hong Xiuquan's follow4ers were known as what?
  • What kingdom did Garibaldi decide to invade, as a last attempt to fight for freedom?
    He decided to invade Naples, the south-ern kingdom of Italy.
  • Name Two battles fought by Garibaldi
    The battle at Palermo and The Battle of Volturno
  • After the rebellion ended, the Qing emperor made what 4 changes?
    A. The government gave tools and seeds to peasants.B.The government helped build irrigation systems.C.Taxes were lowered.D.Corrupt officials were remo...
  • Who became the first king of the nation of Italy in 1861?
    Victor Emmanuel
  • What happened to the population of China between 1700 and 1850?
    It doubled, from 150 to 300 million.
  • What changes took place after the Taipings were defeated?
    The government helped peasants with tools, seeds, and irrigation; taxes were lowered; corrupt officials were removed.
  • What country governed most of the little states on the Italian peninsula?
    The country of Austria governed most of them.
  • What did it mean to be "Italian" in 1850?
    It only meant that you lived on the Italian peninsula.
  • Who did Hong Xiuquan believe these two men (in his dream) to be?
    He believed that they were God the Father and Jesus Christ.
  • How did the Italian secret societies disagree about what kind of nation Italy should be?
    Some of the secret societies wanted Italy to be a republic where the leaders would be elected and they would make their own laws, some wanted the pope...
  • What dream did Hong Xiuquan have?
    That an old man gave him a sword to fight demons, and that an older brother joined him.