
Ready to Listen ( Story 2)

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  • vocabulary : the place where God lives and where good people go after they die according to some religions
  • What did a farmer do with a golden egg ?
    He sold the eggs.
  • vocabulary : having or showing a lack of good sense or judgment, stupid silly
  • vocabulary : a kind of birds that swim,and they are larger than ducks, have a long neck and webbed feet
  • vocabulary : a person's stomach or the part of the body that contains the stomach
  • How did the farmer feel when he saw dead goose ?
    He thouht he was foolish.
  • vocabulary : made of gold
  • why did a farmer cut open the goose's belly ?
    He wanted to become richer and he thought a bunch of golen eggs inside the goose's belly.
  • vocabulary : a group of things of the same kind that are held or tied together or many of something
    a buhch of
  • vocabulary : a person who runs a farm
  • vocabulary : having a lot of money and possessions, wealthy opposite poor
  • Why was a goose special ?
    Because a goose laid one golden egg every day.
  • vocabulary : to place eggs down gently in a flat position from the female animals.
    lay eggs
  • vocabulary : no longer alive or living, no longer having life
  • One day, what animal did a poor farmer get ?
    He got a goose.
  • vocabulary : difficult or impossible to believe
  • vocabulary : having or showing a selfish desire to have more of something such as money or food
  • vocabulary : a hard-shelled oval thing from which a young bird is born
  • Were there a bunch of golden eggs inside the goose's belly ?
    No. there were no golden eggs inside.
  • vocabulary :to use a sharp tool such as a knife to open or divide something
    cut open
  • vocabulary : to get things from different places and bring them together
  • When the farmer realized that he lost everything, why was it too late ?
    Because the goose was dead and there were no more golden eggs.