
NV-Y Week 2 Vocab

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  • The scientist that had 50 years of ___ knew how to make the cure for COVID 19.
    experience (n)
  • Billy was ___ he brought his homework to school, but it was not in his backpack.
    positive (adj)
  • After the coach gave the player a trophy, the player ___ (ed) by hugging the coach.
    react (v)
  • The student ___ passed a note to their friend in the middle of class.
    subtly (adv)
  • The scientist created an ___ that allowed the computer to make real money.
    algorithm (n)
  • All the man had to do was show a ___ smile, and the the baby stopped crying.
    genuine (adj)
  • The kid started crying when he heard his friends saying ____ things about him.
    insulting (adj)
  • After the kid realized he had failed the test, he had a ____ on his face.
    frown (n)
  • The student showed lots of ___ when giving her speech.
    emotion (n)
  • After her pet snail died, her sadness ____ (ed) for a long time.
    persist (v)
  • The rooster was being ____ when it would not stop cuckooing in the morning.
    obnoxious (adj)
  • The man felt ___ after he left his home in California to come to Korea.
    homesick (adj)
  • The dad and son had a ____(ing) contest to see who would get the last bowl of ice cream.
    stare (v)
  • With his tablet, the student was able to read all of his ___ books.
    digital (adj)
  • The man ___ spilled his coffee on the printer.
    accidentally (adj)