
Animal Kingdom

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  • What is the family of this animal?
  • True or false: The blue whale is the biggest fish in the ocean
    False. The blue whale is not a fish
  • What is the name of the biggest fish in the world?
    Whale shark
  • True or false: The mudskipper is a fish that can breath out of the water.
  • What is the name, family and diet of this animal?
    Name: Snake; Family: Reptile; Diet: Carnivore
  • Say the name of 3 animals that are reptiles:
    snake, turtle, crocodile, etc
  • What are called the stages of the lifecycle of insects?
    1. egg; 2. larva; 3. pupa; 4. adult
  • Explain the four lifecycles of the amphibian frog
    Egg; Tadpole; Froglet; Frog
  • What is the habitat of a beluga whale?
    The habitat is the ocean
  • What is the name, family and diet of this animal?
    Name: Giraffe; Family: Mammal; Diet: Herbivore
  • What is the family of frogs?
  • True or false: The dragonfly can fly upside down
    True. It can fly forward and backward too
  • Say the name of 3 animals that are insects:
    butterfly, bee, ladybug, cricket, etc
  • Say the name of 3 animals that are mammals:
    dolphin, lion, horse, giraffe , etc
  • True or false: Omnivores are animals that only eat plants and vegetables
    False. Omnivores are animals that eat both meat and plants
  • What characterizes and insect? Cite 2 things about them...
    They have three body parts, a pair of antennae, three pairs of legs, etc.
  • What is the name of this animal?
  • What is the name of this animal in english?
  • What is called the family of those animals?