
hello China 你好 中国

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  • Which of the wonders is not created by China? The great wall   Terracotta Warrior  Tower bridge
    Tower bridge
  • Which city is the capital of Zhongguo(China)?
    北京 Beijing 
  • How do people say I love you in  Zhongguo?
    wo ai ni 我爱你
  • How do people say“see you”in  Zhongguo?
    zaijian 再见
  • Which of the wonders is not created by China? Kungfu  Big Ben Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang  
    Big Ben 
  • How do people greet each other in  Zhongguo?
    ni hao 你好
  • What is Zhongguo's national animal?
    熊猫 Panda
  • How many stars are there in  Zhongguo's national flag?
  • How many colours are there in  Zhongguo's national flag?
    2 red and yellow 
  • How do you say hello China?